Cookies policy

How do we use Cookies and similar Technology?

We use cookies and similar technology on our websites to collect information from visitors. Cookies are small, usually randomly encoded, text files that help your browser navigate through our websites. The cookie file is generated by our website when you access it and is accepted and processed by your computer’s browser software. The cookie file is stored in your browser’s folder or subfolder.

Cookies enable Castle Family Office to compile statistical information about how you use our websites, including information relating to the frequency of visits, IP addresses, the average length of visits, which pages are viewed during a visit, the effectiveness of advertising on our websites, authentication information, acceptance or rejection of website terms, periods of inactivity, time zones, language preferences and other regional information.

We use this cookie information for the following purposes:

  • To improve the website content and performance;
  • To estimate our audience size and usage pattern;
  • To speed up your searches;
  • To enable log in and authentication when you log onto our sites;
  • To recognize you when you return to our sites; and
  • To deliver a better and more personalised service by allowing us to customise our site according to your individual interests;

Information held in cookies set by Castle Family Office are kept to a minimum and can only be read by Castle Family Office or by someone who has physical access to your personal computer. Many web browsers allow you to control the use of most cookies through their browser settings. To learn more about cookies, including information on what cookies have been set on your computer and how cookies can be managed and deleted, visit Some of our websites use Google Analytics to track your activity. To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites visit

Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will reject cookies, our system will issue cookies when you access or use our websites. By accessing or using our websites you consent to Castle Family Office using cookies. In the event you refuse to accept cookies by adjusting your browser setting, some or all areas of our websites may not function properly or may not be accessible.

How do we update this Cookie Policy?

We may change and/or update portions of this Cookie Policy to reflect changes in our practices and/or applicable law and regulation. Please check this Cookie Policy from time to time so you are aware of any changes or updates to the Cookie Policy, which may be indicated by a change in the effective date noted at the beginning of the Cookie Policy. We shall not be held responsible and/or liable for not giving any prior notice to any change and/or update in this Cookie Policy.

How can you Contact Us?

If you would like to contact us in respect of any element of this Cookie Policy, including, without limitation and subject to applicable law, where you wish to access a copy of your personal data or where you wish to raise a complaint or grievance please contact us by filling up “Contact Us” form contained on the website.